News and Data Archive


On this section of the website, you can find a list and links to:

and other forms of documentation related to past initiatives or that may be relevant for future initiatives. We hope this information will both help our community not only understand how far we have come but also assist groups looking to help guide new changes. Student groups or department committees seeking access to specific surveys or data -- or hoping to hold a survey themselves -- may contact our committee for direction in these matters. 


Recurring News and Updates


Historical Information


List of Known Departmental Surveys and Follow-Up Reports

  • Fall 2020: SPS and PGSC Presidents' survey on student support and communication resources
  • Fall 2020: PGSC-GAGA survey of faculty and graduate students on metrics of success
  • Summer 2020: PGSC Recommendations on Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (recommendations, progress scorecard)
  • Summer 2020: SPS Steps Towards Diversity and Inclusion (recommendations, progress scorecard)
  • Fall 2019: Revised Physics Department Advising Guidelines for undergraduate and graduate students 
  • 2015: Summary Report of the MIT Physics Graduate Qualifying Exam Survey 


Institute DEI Reports and Recommendations 

Here is also a list of reports from ICEO. 


Useful datasets


National Surveys and Reports

  • Fall 2019: American Institute of Physics Report, "The Time Is Now: Systemic Changes to Increase African Americans with Bachelor’s Degrees in Physics and Astronomy"
  • Spring 2019: Physical Review article - "Sexual harassment reported by undergraduate women physicists" (peer-reviewed research, summary article)
  • Fall 2018: National Academies Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine Report, "Sexual Harassment of Women: Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine"
  • 2018: American Astronomical Society Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion in Astronomy Graduate Education Report